Next up is all the wiring work. It took a while and was a long process. I think the results were well worth it. I loomed it all up with braided sleeving after I completely depinned everything I didn’t want/not planning to use. AC, ABS, all the BS.
I still have a little bit of soldering to do inside the car but as of the present date, the engine bay is completely done. All the wiring going to the things on the passenger side of the engine bay (headlights, turn signals, marker lights, MAF, etc.) exit the cabin through the door and into the under-fender area. It then runs along the fender towards the front of the car and disperses as needed.
Everything on the driver side does the same out the driver side door and under-fender area (oil pressure sensors, headlights, alternator, etc.). Everything the goes into the middle of the engine bay (CAS, Coil Pack, all the essentials) exit the cabin via a new hole that I drilled in the lower side of the firewall near the center so it is out of view. See pics below for more detail.
The fuse box will be placed inside the glove box. A lot of the wiring needed to be extended/shortened. Like I said, it was a long process. I had to do all the extending and shortening with the harness inside the car to get a more accurate estimate of the length needed for every wire.
My daughter helped me put some new HP adding decals on the car. The SPOOLIGAN decal represents my build as well as my lifestyle. I live and breath boosted DSM’s, hence Eat Sleep DSM and SPOOLIGAN.
Which reminds me, I gave my car a name awhile back, maybe I already posted in this project log, I don’t remember, but if not, her name is Poison Ivy. Yes, like from Batman.
Anyway, I made a bracket for my oil catch cans. Turned out decent for a quick job and a cheap set of catch cans.
Overall, I am very happy with how this has turned out. The pictures of the engine bay DO NOT do it justice. In person, it is absolutely priceless. The green many wont be a fan of. And for me, it is something that I haven’t done before. I have always had either a black engine bay or the factory color engine bay with all of my DSM’s. This is a big change for me. But that’s what this build represents for me. Change.
After my accident, past rough relationships, I went through a HUGE change after my accident. I see the world differently now. I looked death straight in the face and survived. How? I have no idea. But I like to believe it has something to do with my Mother who I lost just a few years ago of the age of 41. Maybe my accident was a big reset button for me. Not that I necessarily did bad things prior, but that is something my Dad suggested. Maybe this was a big reset button granted by my Mom some how. I have found ways to love the world that I never thought was possible before. I would be lying if I said that just a couple months after my accident, that I have never been happier.
Okay, enough of that sh**. I am having a lot of fun building this 1G. It’s been 5 years since I last had a 1G and it’s been too long. I missed the extra 9″ of room in the engine bay. So much more room in there compared to a 2G bay.
The other random pics of parts scattered around inside, that is what my living room looks like. I don’t know if I am a hoarder but I love looking at DSM parts. And I don’t have a garage at my place so it stays inside. Thought it was worth a share.
The white kick panel, that is aluminum sheet metal. Found a good chunk at my Dad’s garage left over from one of the Dirt Late Models. I plan to mount my Evo ECU to my kick panel to allow quick and easy access. The stock kick panel probably wouldn’t be strong enough to hold it sturdy, so I made a sheet metal one. I will be doing the same to the other side as well. I may just mount the ECU on the driver side kick panel so I can mount the Power Transistor Pack and Injector Resistor Pack on the passenger side (as those are too relocated into the cabin).
I bought wiring and everything needed for my battery relocation as well. That is the next on the to-do list. Although with winter now here, my pace has certainly slowed down. I am building this car to race and drive it, but also because I like doing so. Being outside trying to do all of this sh!t in the cold is obviously not very fun for me. So, I wait for decent days temperature wise to ensure a better and more fun experience working on her.
The last thing I have done to the car was mount my kill switch that I am implementing into my battery relocation. I was going to mount it up higher but then I seen a perfectly good and working reverse light that I could get rid of and mount it there. It did however require me to remove the rear bumper, which I HATE doing. But, the results were probably worth it. It looks very clean IMO.
Anyway, that should get you guys up to date and I will try to do a better job of updating you guys. I would also like to say that late spring or early summer, I will be going SD with an HX35 setup. Just want to use the Evo III 16G for now for a little more mild setup. I think it will be less headaches when working out the bugs with everything else.
I am very excited to be using the Evo ECU. I have a patch harness already and will be using Tephra Mods. I absolutely LOVE ECUflash and EVOscan as I used a 2G H8 ECU (Black-box) in Virgin Mary.