March 10, 2025

1G Water Pump


1G Water Pump

Here is the water pump. Replacing the water pump requires the removal of the timing belt system. YOU SHOULD REPLACE THE TIMING BELT AND ALL OTHER TIMING BELT COMPONENTS WHILE REPLACING THE WATER PUMP. Because you have to remove the timing belt, replacing the water pump becomes a big job. You should also replace the water pump when doing a timing belt replacement. Generally, replacing the water pump is part of the complete timing belt replacement process. 

Installation Info

There are 5 bolts that connect the water pump to the engine block. All of which are different lengths. It is important to put each bolt in the designated bolt hole when reinstalling the water pump. Not doing so can damage the threads and/or cause the bolt to snap in the hole. It is also critical to not overtighten the bolts. Use a torque wrench and torque each bolt according to the FSM.


water pump




There any many different brands of water pumps. Many have found that the OEM water pumps as well as the Gates water pumps are a couple of the best water pumps out there for our vehicles. Many people also say to stay away from parts store brands or remanufactured water pumps.



Types of Water Pumps

There are also a couple of different style water pumps- an open impeller design and a closed impeller design. The OEM water pumps were an open impeller design, BUT, the closed impeller designs are a much more efficient design. The closed impeller design prevents cavitation and aeration at higher RPM’s and is generally more efficient than the open design. Will you notice a difference between the two types? Probably not on our cars. The difference in design has more of an impact on circle track and road racing cars where the RPM’s raise and lower frequently.

                    Closed                                                                        Open
 closedfin openfin