Spandex Denim Anti-back
It provides superior dispersion performance of making the pocket anti back staining agent brighter and making the contrast between blue and white better, especially when used on the color mixing fabrics. Besides, it is suatable to be used with acid enzyme and neutral enzyme in the denim washing process.Get more news about pocket anti back staining agent,you can vist our website!
Under the same wash conditions and with the same amount of anti-back staining additives, we put a cotton, a polyester and a spandex denim pinned together in the washing machine. The left side of the photo above shows the test results with the addition of the same type of products from other companies, while the right side shows the results with our product V8.
As you can see, our product has outstanding anti-back staining effect in practical use, less dye staining back, and better performance on both fabrics. And by comparison, the spandex denim also did not have the problem of losing elasticity, and the protection of fabric elasticity was better.
Denim and its various items like pants, shirts, jackets,belts, caps, etc, are the most preferred clothing for todays youth. This studydiscusses compositions and methods of reducing or preventing back staining ofindigo dyes on the weft yarn and pocket of denim garments. The dye, as it is removedfrom the denim material, post treatment with cellulase or by a conventionalwashing process may cause back staining or re-deposition on the denimmaterial; e.g.: re-colouration of blue threads and blue colouration of whitethreads, resulting in less contrast between the blue and white threads.
Denim garments are looked at as a major trend setter by our youth.The spread of denim culture all over the world brought with it a trend of fastchanging fashions. One after another several washes were introduced such asstone wash, acid wash, moon wash, etc. Over the last decade, India has probably seen the most dramatic and exciting changes in the washing of denimgarments. As per the denim garment export market, this high quality garment hassuperior aesthetics and great value for price. In terms of the quality aspect,back staining plays a vital role in improving the appearance of the denimgarment.
During stone washing or enzyme washing, cellulose isdegraded and indigo dye is released. For instance, the cellulase enzymes aretemporarily bound to the cellulose by means of an anchor. This gets split in termsof 1,4-β glycoside composition. After this process it is made availablefor further hydrolysis reaction.
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Spandex Denim Anti-back 2 years ago