June 26, 2024


  • Weiweismart posted an update in the group Group logo of WeiweismartWeiweismart 3 years, 7 months ago

    It was discussed at length but that is because it’s so significant. Include a matchmaking booth such as rec or ruffles, and keep the area if you would like has. The concept of having to wait at a video game is absurd. But along with MT 2K21 this, there needs to be a difference in rep earned from Pro-Am/Ante Up matches vs regular park/rec/new matchmaking games. Pro-am should give you ATLEAST the rep of a rec game.

    Maybe more. At this time if you are searching for rep, then you’re better off beating up scrubs in rec than heading to pro’m where you might face some resistance. If Pro-am players obtained 3x the rep as rec and playground players, then rep would really mean more and park and rec could become the casual mode they were meant to be. When NBA 2K21 initially came out, the majority of the comp players were at pro-am, therefore park was fairly fine for us casuals.

    Thank you for your thoughts. We’ve got a Feedback & 2K21 Wishlist thread (delivered to 2K) where these thoughts are extremely welcomed. I will not remove because you have really put a lot of work into it, you post for now, please recall for the next time. You might want to bring these thoughts to the thread. Agree to kick like six siege because in rec, there is always this one random in my team who just stops playing defense since he is not getting enough touches.

    I’ve run into a few guys that do it, but I have also seen men in squads freeze out the arbitrary (so ) they got paired with. If you are intentionally not giving someone the ball Because they’re not your buddy, especially when they’re available, then you deserve to get marketed, Because you’re selling them. This but squads need to match up with Buy NBA 2K21 MT Coins different squads. 2K has a big player base that meh squads should fit up against god squads, not with meh squads within their region.