The 26th Annual SHOOTOUT 2018
Presented By IDRC
August 17th-19th, 2018
We have all said or at least heard the term “Shootout Prep”. Most of us are guilty of using the term ourselves. These days, the term has rightfully earned it’s own hashtag. Every year, we all find ok ourselves rushing around last minute to get our cars ready for the trip out to Norwalk, OH. Some of us have to complete last minute maintenance like a timing belt job or a new set of tires. Some of us made some big changes and are battling to dial it all in. Some of us are still trying to finish our winter builds and haven’t even heard the car run yet this year even though we are less than two weeks away from The Shootout.
Words By: SPOOLIGAN | Images By: SPOOLIGAN, Ryan Wood
My first trip out to The Shootout was back in 2010, before the GTR’s became apart of the event. The “good ol’ days” of you will. Every year since then, I have said I was going. Well, I haven’t been back since. So I am just going to say it; I am going to The Shootout this year.
Things always seem to come up. Maybe the car doesn’t get quite finished or maybe I just didn’t have the money to make it out there without putting me behind when I returned. Last year, i was actually in Ohio and was returning back home to PA while everyone else was heading to Ohio. I was driving truck out there in St. Clairsville which was only a couple hours away from Norwalk. But that was my weekend with my daughter and elected to go home to her instead.
This year though, things are set in place. I took 6 days off of work for the weekend of The Shootout. Kurt and I both said no matter what, we are going this year. He has never been to The Shootout so it will be really interesting to see his reaction once we get out there. Him and I both have our work cut out for us though.
I didn’t want to go to The Shootout with the 16G on #PoisonIvy. That doesn’t mean I wouldn’t have gone with the 16G if I had to, it just simply means I didn’t want to go with the 16G. I just really wanted to have this HY35 on for the trip. The swap is complete so now I can work on other things before making the trip out.
I am still on the 2G MAF but I do have everything I need to run speed density. I wanted to dial in the HY35 on the MAF first. Which I have done, now I just need to get the IAT bung welded onto the intercooler pipe and then I can start playing around. I bought the patch harness cable so I can switch back to MAF when needed.
I managed to come up with all the money to purchase everything needed for the Holset swap. But there are many other things that are going to cost some money. The trip itself, of course. Fuel to and from, some pre-shootout maintenance like some fresh Brad Penn, the weekend pass, food and drinks while I’m out there, renewing my AAA wouldn’t be a bad idea, and some free money to buy car parts and memorabilia. We will be camping out there at the track so we will need a tent and supplies. I was relieved to find out there are showers at the track. Although we are sleeping at the track, that doesn’t mean we will be there much at night. As we all know, the Hotels are where all the parties are at.
Below is all the information for The Shootout, posted by Buschur Racing. This information can be found on “The Shootout” Facebook page as well as IDRC’s website.
Thursday, August 16, 2018
2nd Annual Poker Run
Register at Buschur Racing. $20 per person, passengers can also participate.
5 stops, 5 cards drawn, winner at the end collects all the money.
Last stop will be Matus Winery and all cars must be there and turn in their forms by 6 pm.
PLEASE do everyone a favor, drive safely and the speed limits. ONE single problem will cancel this for any future events.
Friday, August 17, 2018
Dyno Day At Buschur Racing
9:00 a.m – 4:00 p.m
Credential (Spectators Only) at Buschur Racing, Wakeman, Ohio
9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Linder’s Lot Opens for Racers (new for 2018) 12:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Bud Gate Opens for Sponsors/Vendors (new for 2018) 12:00 p.m. – 24 hours
Summit Gate Opens for Spectators (new for 2018) 3:00 p.m.
Credential Racers (Linder’s Lot) 4:30 p.m.
Release Racers from Linder’s Lot 5:00 p.m.
Test & Tune 6:00 p.m. – 11:00 p.m.
Heads Up Qualifying: Rd #1 9:00 p.m.
Buschur Racing Address : 24 West Main St, Wakeman, Ohio 44889
*Note: Sponsors & Vendors will line-up in queue lines at the Bud Gate. We will release after credentialing to set-up on Budweiser side.
**Unfortunately there will be no autocross/maxeffort this year at The Shootout
Saturday, August 18, 2018
Bud Gate Opens (Racers, Vendors, Sponsors)
8:00 a.m. – 24 hours
Summit Gate Opens (Spectators) 8:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Time Trials 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Heads Up Qualifying: Rd #2 12:00p.m – 2:00 p.m
Heads Up Qualifying: Rd #3 3:30 p.m.
Time Trials
6:00 p.m – 7:00 p.m
Sunday, August 19, 2018
Bud Gate Opens (Racers) 8:00 a.m.
Summit Gate Opens (Spectators) 8:00 a.m.
Heads Up Qualifying: Last Chance 9:00 a.m.
Eliminations: Rd #1 1:00 p.m.
- Entry Fees
- -Specatator cost, $20 per day or $55 for three day pass.
*all spectators need to purchase a 3 day admission pass, however when you leave you will need to see a track official to get your refund and band removed* - -Racer cost, $40 per day or $110 three day race.
- -One day Time Trial – $20 + spectator admission
- -Pit Pass Parking, $50 3-day, $35 2-day, $20 1 day
- -Children 12 and under free
- -USA active duty/reserve military spectators free with ID.
- -Specatator cost, $20 per day or $55 for three day pass.
- Safety Changes
- -Each racer is permitted THREE pit crew wrist bands. You will need to take your tech card and three people to customer service to get your wrist bands.
- -No more golf cart rentals. IF we have ONE single incident of speeding or stupid maneuvers on ANY type of motorized pit vehicle in 2018 ALL PIT VEHICLES will be outlawed at this event unless it is hooked to and towing a race car.
- -Media credentials will ONLY be issued through the IDRC.
- -NO tents in Budweiser side stands.
- -The following classes are required to run a full engine diaper or NHRA design approved catch pan and distilled water, both items will be tech’d. YOU CAN NOT RUN AT ALL WITHOUT THESE TWO ITEMS IN THE FOLLOWING CLASS:
- QUICK 32
- -Any vehicle in any class, that has a roll bar/roll cage can delete the rear seats.
- Drag Racing
- -SATURDAY, August 18th. Gates open from 9am, RAIN or SHINE.
- -Time Trials from 10am-5pm
- -2nd round qualifier for ALL HEADS-UP drag classes at 1pm
- -3rd round qualifier for ALL HEADS-UP drag classes at 5pm
- General Rules
- -NO nitrous allowed in any class except for TT, Bracket, 11.5 Index, Exhibition and Quick.
- -NOBODY will be permitted along the track, in front of the barricades at the head of staging or on the starting line.
- -Any Mitsubishi powered vehicle can run at the shootout as long as it has either the original engine in the car (420A, 1.8 liter Mitsu, 4B11T, Stealth-3000GT, 3 liter Mitsu V6 etc.) or is powered by any one of these Mitsu engines. Cars NOT powered by a 4G63 or 4B11T MUST run in either Bracket or Time Trials.
- -Any GTR can run at the Shootout as long as it is AWD.
- -Tech cards will be turned in during your tech with the Race Track Officials
- -Your class designation goes on the windshield followed by the number on your tech card. Class designations are listed in parenthesis next to the class names below. This is your class/car number for the day.
- -Awards can be collected following the finals for the last run in each class. Awards are presented at the customer service office. If you fail to collect your awards the day of the race you forfeit your award(s) and prize money.
- Peer Tech
- -Tech for legal modifications in each class is done by your PEERS in your class.
- -All cars will report to the staging lanes before the first round of racing. At this time all hoods will be opened and each participant in each class can walk through THEIR designated staging lane and inspect their opponents cars. IF you find something illegal, report it to a tech or BR employee who will also be in the staging lanes at that time.
- -You must be a RACER in the same class to protest a vehicle.
- -If you are found to be illegal for a class before the first round you can move to another class you fit into or make an immediate change.
- -If you are found to be illegal during eliminations, you got lucky and NOTHING will be done about it. If your car was found to be legal and was obviously altered after passing tech you will be disqualified and the last person you eliminated with be put back into the race as long as it’s before the next round of racing.
- Haltech Street Eliminator (SE)
- -Any Talon, Eclipse, Laser, Galant VR4, Evolution 7’s, 8’s, 9’s, X, Genesis Coupe, 420A, 1.8 liter Mitsu, 4B11T, Stealth-3000GT, FWD/AWD Mitsubishi bodied AND 4g63/64 powered vehicle.
- -ANY DOT tire. Full exhaust exiting the rear of the car.
- -Wastegates MUST exit under the car.
- -Air filters mandatory and must fit behind the grille, headlight or bumper area depending on where you have it mounted.
- -Car must run FULL interior, back seats, front seats, full dash, door panels, wipers, carpet, center console, mirrors and factory glass. Factory floor pan and firewall.
- -On your windshield you will put in large print, SE followed by the number from your tech card. This is your class/car number for the day.
- -Pro Tree
- Exedy Stock Appearing (SA)
- -Any FWD/AWD-Eclipse, Laser, Galant VR4, Evolution 7’s, 8’s, 9’s, X,Genesis Coupe, 420A, 1.8 liter Mitsu, 4B11T, Stealth-3000GT
- -Car must retain stock appearing intake manifold. Cast 1 piece intake manifolds will also be allowed. Turbo must use the stock bolt pattern from the exhaust manifold/header to the turbine housing and be located in the stock location. Forced Performance Zero, Greens, Reds, Blacks and HTA DSM86’s are considered legal for the class. Sheet metal 02 housings with recirculating or open dumps OK, must dump under the car. The new FP turbine housings for the turbos listed above using the Tial external waste gate is allowed. External dumps must exit below the vehicle. Full exhaust exiting the rear of the vehicle is required. FMIC, intercooler plumbing, turbo inlet with air filter, small battery kits are all OK for this class. Both headlights must be installed and working. Beyond those mods the car will not pass for stock appearing. DOT RADIAL TIRE ONLY. NO tread wear rating limits. No half radiators. Full interior to include all seats, door panels, rear hatch cover on DSM’s, carpet, head liner, dash etc. Wiper, mirrors and factory glass are required.
- -On your windshield you will put in large print, SA followed by the number from your tech card. This is your class/car number for the day.
- -Pro Tree
- Kiggly Racing Street (ST)
- -ANY FWD, AWD, RWD Mitsubishi bodied and 4G63/64 powered vehicle.
- -OEM front and rear style/location suspension. Springs/coil overs/sway bars/control arms aftermarket are permitted.
- -Factory floor pan and firewall.
- -Exhaust must exit UNDER the car.
- -Wastegates can exit anywhere.
- -Two front seats, front door panels, full factory dash, center console and glove box door required.
- -No Lexan.
- -Any tire permitted.
- -On your windshield you will put in large print, ST32 followed by the number from your tech card. This is your class/car number for the day.
- -Pro Tree
- Fuel Injector Clinic Quick (QK)
- -Anything goes as long as it is Shootout legal powered.
- -ENGINE DIAPER and DISTILLED WATER ONLY. You will be officially tech’d.
- -RWD’s must be Mitsubishi/Chrysler bodies that originally were equipped with a 4 cylinder. Also must retain the full stock floor pan, firewall, front and rear suspension mounting points, factory rear end type (IRS can not be converted to solid) no aftermarket (GM, Ford, Chrysler etc.) solid axle rear ends permitted.
- -AWD’s are permitted to go to a solid rear axle but MUST retain full AWD.
- -Nitrous is legal.
- -On your windshield you will put in large print, Q32 followed by the number from your tech card. This is your class/car number for the day.
- -Pro Tree
- Pro RWD (PR)
- –ENGINE DIAPER and DISTILLED WATER ONLY. You will be officially tech’d.
- -Any transmission
- -Any body type, door cars only
- -Mitsubishi 4 cylinder only
- -Any power adders or multiple power adders
- -Any chassis, including tube chassis
- -Pro Tree
- Kozmic Motorsports GTR Stock Turbo (GT)
- -Full exhaust is required, exiting the rear bumper. Intercooler, intercooler plumbing, MAF inlet, air filter, battery kits are all OK for this class. NO headers, NO aftermarket exhaust manifolds, NO aftermarket intake manifolds. MUST USE THE STOCK TURBO ONLY!! DOT RADIAL TIRE ONLY. 17″ minimum sized rear wheel, 18″ minimum sized front wheel.
- -Full interior required, front race seats permitted. Rear seat delete permitted but must have a full upholstered covering installed.
- -On your windshield you will put in large print, GS followed by the number from your tech card. This is your class/car number for the day.
- -Sportsman Tree
- GTR Eliminator (GE)
- -Full interior, full exhaust with muffler and all exhaust gases exiting behind the rear axle, external waste gates can dump under the car, turbos must be in stock location.
- -Turbo must be 58mm or smaller on the inducer of the compressor inlet. This allows for the Alpha 9’s and Alpha 10 builds and any GT30 sized turbo to be used.
- -Rear seat delete permitted but must have a full upholstered covering installed.
- -On your windshield you will put in large print, GE followed by the number from your tech card. This is your class/car number for the day.
- -Sportsman Tree
- AEM Performance Electronics GTR Street (GS)
- -Full interior, full exhaust with muffler and all exhaust gases exiting behind the rear axle. External waste gates can dump under the car, NO exhaust cut outs.
- -Slicks permitted.
- -Turbos must be in stock location.
- -Aftermarket intake manifolds are legal.
- -Full interior required, front race seats permitted. Rear seat delete permitted but must have a full upholstered covering installed.
- -On your windshield you will put in large print, GTRS followed by the number from your tech card. This is your class/car number for the day.-Sportsman Tree
- Jacks Transmissions GTR Quick (GQ)
- -ENGINE DIAPER and DISTILLED WATER ONLY. You will be officially tech’d-This is an anything goes class. The most powerful and quickest GTR’s will be running in this class.
- -Anything goes.
- -On your windshield you will put in large print, GTRQ followed by the number from your tech card. This is your class/car number for the day.
- -Sportsman Tree
- Xona Rotor 9.5 Index
- -Anything goes as long as it is Shootout legal powered.
- -Heads up racing, everyone has an 9.50 dial in. Run as close to 9.50 as you can every pass.
- -On your windshield you will put in large print, 9.50 followed by the number from your tech card. This is your class/car number for the day.
- -Sportsman Tree
- IDRC 11.50 Index
- -Anything goes as long as it is Shootout legal powered.
- -Heads up racing, everyone has an 11.50 dial in. Run as close to 11.50 as you can every pass.
- -On your windshield you will put in large print, 11.50 followed by the number from your tech card. This is your class/car number for the day.
- -Sportsman Tree
- Bracket (BR)
- -This is a handicapped start class for cars with unlimited mods and want to test their driver skill more than how fast they can go.
- -ANYTHING goes as long as it is Mitsubishi powered OR is a Mitsubishi bodied car with the OEM engine in it.
- -On your windshield you will put in large print, B1 followed by the number from your tech card. This is your class/car number for the day.
- -NO delay boxes or throttle stops permitted.
- -Nitrous is legal
- RB Power Test & Tune
- -This class is being put into effect for those of you that just want to make some passes with your car and are not interested in competing.
- -Time Trials will be run in between class runs and when time permits.
- -There are NO rules for this class.
- -ANY vehicle will be allowed to make time trials during the day, even your rental car.
- -You do have to purchase a tech card and pay for car and driver entry when you come in the gate.
- -On your windshield you will put in large print, TT followed by the number from your tech card. This is your class/car number for the day.
- -Sportsman Tree
- Manley Performance
- Idemitsu
- Link ECU
- Tomei USA
- Supertech
- Jacks Transmissions
- Kiggly Racing
- Haltech
- Fuel Injector Clinic
- Kozmic Motorsports
- AEM Electronics
- Xona Rotor (Forced Performance)
- Buschur Racing
- Magnus Motorsports
- 3C Etching
- DSPORT Magazine
This is the last list I never wanted to compose but has become needed with the amount of people who don’t have the events best interest in mind. Anyone on this list found to be at the event will be escorted off the property, immediately, without refund. Stay away you are not welcome or wanted.- Gabriel Ruiz
- Drag Import News
- Glenn Trejo
- Matt Nelsen
- Brad Cain, Jr.
- Connor Thomas Devaul